Friday, March 25, 2016

March 23, 2016. On the road again!

LOCATION:  Stanley, Tasmania, Australia on northwest coast of island

The homeowners took the overnight ferry from Melbourne, and we picked them up at the dock about 6:30 AM.  

After a nice breakfast and debriefing, we hit the road  in their camper.  The highway west follows the coast and the views are beautiful.  We stopped in a town called Pebguin for the obligatory photo....

Then on to our destination, Stanley.  It was about a 80-mile drive.  Stanley is on the tip of a peninsula, surrounded by beautiful beaches.

We took a chairlift up to the top of "The Nut", a round volcanic mountain in the center of town.

Then, we hiked the top of The Nut with views from every corner.  The fishing pier was below us.  One of the boats transports stock, with gates and pens for sheep and cows.  

We spotted some baby wallabies near the path.  

Then, we walked (in my case, crawled) the path back down the mountain.  It was almost perpendicular.  Others, more wisely, took the chairlift back down,

My legs were like wet spaghetti by the time we reached the bottom.  

We recuperated in the local pub, dating back from the mid-1800s.  We took a historic building walking tour around the town.

The campground is very nice with a fully-stocked kitchen.  Beautiful bathrooms.  We hatted with other campers as we cooked.  Tasmania is a popular vacation spot for mainlanders.  We talked with folks from Sydney and Melbourne. They all advised us to make campground reservations throughout this busy upcoming Easter long weekend. 

DINNER:  George grilled some sausages.  Sides were rice and runner beans.  Today marks our 40th anniversary, so we paired the dinner with champagne.  


  1. Happy Anniversary!!! What a wonderful way to celebrate!
    Ps My husband and I celebrated our 40th this past summer. We had a wonderful trip to Scotland...but not a long, extended tour like yours! Living vicariously by checking out your blog! ENJOY and thanks for sharing! Nicole
