Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 27, 2015. Relaxing in San Carlos

CAMPGROUND:  3rd (and final) night at Tokonala RV Park
LOCATION: San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico on Sea of Cortez
WEATHER:  Beautiful again. Highs in 70s (starting to sound like a broken record!)

We walked across the street to a beachfront restaurant for our last margarita and tequila.  Beautiful setting! George is trying different kinds of tequila....

In the afternoon, we read books next to the swimming pool.  Lazy day!

DINNER:  We went to a charming Italian restaurant.  It was really upscale.  We had a coupon for a free appetizer which was zucchini sticks. For an entree, we split their seafood special....grilled yellowtail and a side of spaghetti. We bought a bottle of wine made in Baja California, Mexico.  Surprisingly good!


  1. Just heard about your blog and retirement adventure. I love your blog. You are so brave. Connie Brooke Doud

  2. George, you have a great life! Soaking in that sun, drink and wonderful view; enjoying it all!
