Friday, August 9, 2013

Day 2...August 8, 2013

Enjoyed nice breakfast at the campsite, then took a 2-mile hike around the lake.  It was beautiful, but the mosquitoes were terrible.  Packed up and drove to Upper Peninsula, MI.  George wanted to stop in Haughton where there is a brewery.  It rained on our way, so we were having second thoughts about setting up the camper, but the sun miraculously popped out right when we arrived.  Camped on a lake.  Cute town.  

A note about food.  I told folks that I would use this blog to write about culinary campfire delights.  I'm afraid I haven't done anything exciting yet.  We have leftovers from our hotel to use up first.  First night we had shrimp and sausage gumbo.  Last night leftover pork tenderloin, potatoes and sautéed zucchini.  We usually cook over a campfire.  Last night there was not a grate, so we use our tripod grill.   The smartest thing we bought for camping is small French press for coffee.  We heat the water in a teapot over the fire if that is our only option.  Next best is to use our propane heater.  Better is if we are at a campsite that has showers.  Usually, there is an outlet in the women's restroom where I can plug in our electric teakettle.  The very best  option is having a campsite with electrical hook-up, and then we can just plug in the teakettle in the camper.  In any case, great way to start the day!

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