Saturday, October 4, 2014

October 3, 2014. Day trip to Des Moines

CAMPGROUND:  2nd night at Lake Acquabi
LOCATION:  Near Indianola, Iowa
WEATHER:  Much cooler and windy. Highs around 50

It was really windy during the night, with gusts up to 30 mph.  Our awning screeched with the wind.  The predicted cold front was coming this way.

We drove to Des Moines, only about 20 miles away to visit my Aunt Virginia.  She is 96, and looking good.  Always stylish.

We had lunch at Granite City Brewery, the only chain we like.  I had a cup of soup and George had their Mac and cheese made with one of their beers.  Sure not like Kraft in a box!

We found a laundromat and finished that chore.  We livened the laundry chore by finding a brewery in a warehouse called Confluence, named by the joining of the Raccoon and Iowa Rivers.  I had a black  IPA and George had a rye IPA. 

Back at the campground, quite a few more campers had arrived and set up.  It seems like there are fiends camping in groups.  The cold wind did not deter anyone.  There were lots of campfires, including ours.

DINNER:  George cooked an Iowa porkloin with a slice of bacon around it. As a side, we had sautéed carrots/mushrooms/onions and toasted garlic bread.  Really good!

Action shot.......

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