Monday, April 27, 2015

April 26, 2015. Happy birthday to George!

UCAMPGROUND:  Another night at United Campground.  (We got a discount for staying a week)
LOCATION:  Durango, Colorado
WEATHER:  Rain and cool.  Highs in 50s

We awoke to the sound of water leaking.....plop, plop, plop.  Oh no, we have another leak!  George had fixed the other one, but now we have at least 2 more in other places.  We set out buckets and went back to sleep.

Later, in between downpours, we covered the leaking areas with our tarp.

Checking our emails, George received this photo from daughter Meredith and her husband. This is their new puppy, Raja.

It rained all day.  The  nearby San Juan Mountains, where we drove yesterday, received another 10 inches of snow.

On our first day in Durango, we volunteered in a city-wide trash pick up event.  They gave us a certificate for a hot tub soak.  George redeemed it today, enjoying the warmth and relaxation.

We went to Steamworks Brewery for lunch.  We have now made it to all of Durango's 6 breweries/brewpubs. Time to move on!

DINNER:  Rotisserie chicken with leftover jambalaya rice and peas.  It will be nice to hopefully start grilling again.