Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 48. Sept 23, 2013.....Fall colors!

Since we have electricity at this site, I made poached eggs in the microwave.  Added a bit of feta...quite nice.  Boiled up more eggs to have hard-boiled eggs on hand.  

George took the car into town to get an oil change.  I stayed at the campsite and puttered around.  Did dishes.  It is about my least favorite thing to do while camping, as typically the water is ice cold.  I usually put the dinner dishes in a bucket of soapy water at night, to wait until the next AM to attack.  

We drove through Vermont.  The trees are starting to turn.  So beautiful.  We continue to drive back roads so see quaint towns with their autumn decorations.  We stopped in a brewpub in Bennington.  Shared a great braut.  Drove on through a slice of Massachusetts.  We passed through the Berkshires....quite luxurious-looking spas, country clubs, mansions.  Looked at Tanglewood where the Boston Symphony performs each summer.  (Garrison Keillor does a show there each year, too)

On though upstate New York.  Drove through the Hudson Valley and the foothills of the Catskills.  Staying near Poughkeepsie (home of Vassar College).  

Went to a nearby brewery.  Usually they close on Mondays but luckily were open to unkeg a specialty beer.  Then back to the campsite for dinner.  We grilled some chicken thighs, and I baked some potatoes, onions, green pepper, and garlic in aluminum foil packets.  I had picked some basil at the brewpub (growing in big pots at their entrance), and added that.  Yum

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Karmen!! I LOVE checking your blog to see what adventures you are having. You are so good about keeping us up to date. It makes me smile everyday. Sounds like the two of you are having such a great time. Take care and do something special today, not your usual old lobster dinner or lounging by the seashore!
