Friday, March 18, 2016

March 18, 2016. Traversing the Tasmanian Tasting Trail

LOCATION:  Housesitting in Latrobe, Tasmania, Australia
WEATHER;  Storms in the night.  Rain all day. Highs in 60s

It poured during the night, frightening the dogs.  They have been sleeping in the homeowners' bedroom, but clearly wanted some people comfort during the storm.  I made up a bed in our bedroom, and they soon settled back down.  

We took an abbreviated dog walk as the dogs do not like the rain, wet grass or mud puddles.  Just enough to "do their business".

Back home, we worked on more travel plans.  Often, we prefer just traveling without reservations, but sometimes we have to plan ahead.  We will be arriving in Perth late in the day, so we made hotel reservations for the night.  We also researched renting a car vs. campervan while in the Perth area.  Trip Advisor suggests a car as you can stay in cabins in RV parks pretty cheap, and also stay in pub accommodations, which sounds fun.  We also booked our flight between here and Adelaide for our April housesit.

Then, with tasting trail map in hand, we headed out.  The nice thing about Tasmania is that everything is close by.  We drove about 10 miles to our first stop, a meadery/brewery.  It is in a small village famous for its topiary. 

Next up was lunch, another 15 miles away, at a salmon and ginseng farm.  We had some delicious smoked salmon.

Conveniently located down the road was tiny 3 Willows Winery.

Our last stop on today's trail was a cheese shop where we sampled yummy local cheese.

As we drove back home on narrow country roads, the song from James Herriott's "All Creatures Great and Small" ran through my head.  This country does remind me of the Yorkshire Dales.  Coincidentally, I'm reading the book at the house.

DINNER:  Ramen with homemade thick chicken/veg broth.

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