Saturday, March 26, 2016

March 26, 2016. Hiking in the rain at Cradle Mountain

CAMPGROUND:  2nd night at Cradle Mountain Discovery Park
LOCATION: Cradle Mountain in northern Tasmania
WEATHER:  Cold and drizzle all day

We took a shuttle van to Dove Lake inside the national park and did the 3-hour circuit around the lake.

I was wearing 5 layers of clothes, topped off with a rain poncho and safari hat.  As a last minute brainstorm. I tied a kitchen towel around ny neck to keep the rain from dripping down my back.  A real fashion statement!  It rained the entire hike.  :-( 

George doesn't look too happy in the rain.

About halfway around, we stopped at a picnic table and ate our sandwiches.  The family next to us pulled out a propane heater from their backpack and all the makings of hot tea.  A lot of stuff!

Cradle Mountain got its name from its cradle shape, but it was pretty hidden in the fog and mist.  

A highlight of the hike was spotting a mother and baby wombat then later a mother and baby wallaby.  So cute! 

We stopped at the lodge to warm up after the hike.  

Back at the campsite, we gathered with others in the communal kitchen.  We hung our wet clothes out  in front of the fire to dry.

Warning signs in the kitchen...

DINNER:  Spaghetti with KANGAROO meatballs!  


  1. So sorry it rained in cradle, you wouldn't have seen the magnificent scenery, especially the ballroom forest. The weather is still lovely here in Latrobe, we took the dogs to the beach, the tide had just turned and started coming in and they had a great time as usual, then back for bath time.

  2. Here's an idea. When it rains just grab a good book and curl up in front of a nice fire!
