Sunday, March 20, 2016

March 20, 2016. Beautiful Sunday afternoon on a sunny winery deck

LOCATION:  Housesitting in Latrobe, Tasmania, Australia
WEATHER:  Beautiful!  Sunny. Highs in 70s

Normally Latrobe is a quiet little town, but on Sundays it bursts with out-of-town shoppers who come for the Sunday flea market and farmers' market.  We checked it our with the dogs and bought some veg.  

After the morning dog walk and feeding, we drove to a nearby winery, about 10 miles away.  It is a tiny one, out in the middle of nowhere.  It is called Prickly Mo, named after the prickly mimosa trees next to the vineyard.

The owner/server was super friendly.  After trying the wines, we bought a bottle of Pinot Noir and settled on the deck with some Aussies.

The deck was furnished with old, comfy furniture.  Lazy day.  A pianist played and sang a few songs.

The owner's huge woolly dog that they called "barking sheep" greeted us.

Every winery seems to serve a "platter" that is a combination of meats, cheese, fruit and crackers.  It looked super delicious here, but was just too much food for our lunch, so we ordered a "cheese and biscuit" plate instead.  It came with 2 generous chunks of cheese, a truffle cheddar and a blue.

We savored the food, wine, sun and view.

We finally tore ourselves away.  We stopped at a cidery on the way home.  We tried their pear and apple varieties.  It is a nice venue, too.

Back home, we worked in the garden, trimming and weeding.

DINNER:  Lamb chops on the barby.  Sides were potatoes and beans from the garden......and the rest of the Pinot Noir!