Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March 8, 2016. Gardening in Tasmania

LOCATION:  Housesit assignment in LaTrobe, Tasmania, Australia in northern part of island
WEATHER:  Partly cloudy. Highs around 70

We are getting into a routine.....each morning, we take the dogs for a walk and George feeds the always-famished chickens.  Then, we do chores depending on the day.  Today is garden day.  The homeowner, Althea, has beautiful roses in the front yard.

.  I watered flowers in her "fairy" garden, too.  

Then, we picked about 50 tomatoes.  
I froze some for the homeowners, and made a huge amount of tomato sauce, using more goodies from the garden.....tomatoes, basil, green onion, onion, parsley, garlic and oregano.

In the afternoon, we drove about 5 miles to Devonport, the port city of about 25,000 people.  We found the supermarket and wine shop.  We picked up info about an upcoming harvest  festival.

The dogs are lonesome for the homeowners.  One in particular mopes about.

DINNER:  Eggplant Parmesan with some of the tomato sauce I made earlier in the day.  

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