Saturday, August 15, 2015

August 14, 2015. Prep day for farmers' market

LOCATION:  Near Ukiah, California in NW California
WEATHER:  Another nice day. Highs in low 80s

Today is our busy prep day.  We started picking at 7:00 AM, then had breakfast, and picked again until lunch time.  Paola and I picked about 10 pounds of the salad mix, a mix of greens, flowers and herbs.  There are generally 40-60 different ingredients. George fxed an irrigation hose and picked veg and herbs.

Lunch was tabbouleh, using up garden veg.  I wrote out the recipe to show people at the farmers' market.  Then I packaged some of the ingredients (parsley, mint and scallions) in baggies to see if I can  sell them, suggesting that people try the recipe.  

After an afternoon siesta, we picked tomatoes.  There seems to be a bumper crop!  We put everything in the house's cool room.  It is where the grand piano is.  We keep it closed up, and the room stays cool.  These are some of the produce boxes we are storing for tomorrow.


And lots of fruit

DINNER:  Minestrone soup with extra veg.....beans, pasta, tomatoes, chard, onions, garlic, okra with some Parmesan added at the end.

Early to bed so we can get up early for the farmers' market tomorrow.

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