Tuesday, August 25, 2015

August 24, 2015. Water conservation on the farm

LOCATION:  Organic farm near Ukiah, California in NW part of state
WEATHER:  Very nice. Highs in upper 80s

Today was a "project day" on the farm.  George picked 2 large batches of kale and we ran them through the dehydrator.  It takes quite a while to make the coating mix, wash and massage the leaves, place them on the dehydrator, run the dehydrator, then package/label/weigh them for the market. 

As in all of California, it is very dry here.  We have 2 ponds and a spring on this property, so we are luckier than many people.  There is a drip irrigation system in the garden coming from the spring and/or pond.  Most everything gets watered that way, although we (George and Paola) hand-water some areas and trees, too.  (I do indoor chores while they water in the heat)

We have a bucket in the shower where we collect the water as it is heating up for showers.  That goes on the dry spots in the garden later.  Dishwater is used to water the olive and citrus (kumquat, lime and lemon) trees around the house.  Note the dry, brown ground.....

Action shot watering the lavender bush....

I made tabbouleh salad again as it is such a good way to use up veg.  We had tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, mint and parsley left from the farmers' market, so everything was ready to be mixed.  Instant lunch!

I did laundry since it is a sunny day.  I watch the solar power reader, and only run the washing machine when the number is approaching 100.   Clothes on the clothesline take only a very short time to dry in this hot, dry air.

DINNER:  Pork cutlets seasoned with a great spice my brother gave to me.  Too spicy for his taste, but we love it.  I sautéed some red cabbage and added caraway seeds.  Mashed potatoes on the side.  Sort of a prelude to Octoberfest!

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