Sunday, February 8, 2015

February 7, 2015. Year and a half anniversary!

CAMPGROUND:  Still at Turquoise Valley RV Park in SE Arizona 
WEATHER:  Glorious! Highs in low 80s

Today marks 18 months on the road.  We have enjoyed every minute of it!  We originally thought that we would do this for 2 years, but now are planning to extend that.  There are still so many places we have not seen yet, especially in the West.

We had a great excursion day today.  We started with breakfast at the astoundingly good Bisbee Breakfast Club.  Then, we drove about 80 miles northwest to Tucson.  We met up again with my high school friend Bett Jones and her husband at an RV show.  Just like I used to like to go to Open Houses when we owned a house, I enjoy looking at RVs.  We looked at about 20 Air Streams. We saw a used one that had a high price tag.....we are hopeful that ours will have a good resale value when we reach that point.  We had a free hot dog lunch at the RV place.

We did some RV supply shopping.  Our electric cooler broke, so we had to buy a new one.  We keep it in the shower area.  It is great to store drinks and overflow refrigerator items.  

Then, we stumbled upon Nimbus Brewery.  
They had really good beers.  George had a nitro milk stout; I had my usual IPA.

We took the scenic highway through mountain roads back toward Naco.  On the way, we drove through Sonoita, another part of wine country.  We stopped at this winery called Arizona Hops and Vines.  They are planning to brew beer here soon.
Beautiful, stark scenery all around.

DINNER:  Grilled meat and cheese sandwich, with  the muffaletta spread and baguette that needed to be used up.

Before bed, we could hear Mexicans on their side of the border partying....guitar music and singing.  Then the coyotes started to howl....almost surreal.

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