Wednesday, August 26, 2015

August 25, 2015. Figs and mallow

LOCATION:  Organic farm near Ukiah, California.  NW part of state
WEATHER:  More of the same. Highs near 90

George and Paola did hand-watering while I packaged up dried foods for the market, and sliced up food to sun-dry.  We are a good team.

While they were in the orchard area, they discovered some figs ripe enough to pick.  We were very excited!

We will eat some, and hope several will last until Saturday so we can sell.  They will be a real treat for our customers.

On this farm, they grow a lot of mallow.  Some people consider it a weed, but it is very useful and has great nutritional benefits.  We put the tender leaves in the salad mix.  We also dry the leaves and pods to sell as chips and crispies.

The homeowners also grind up the pods and use to make bread.

Today's diet was full of vegetables again, using veg that didn't sell at last weekend's market.  Lunch was gazpacho.  Evening appetizer was a spicy salsa George made with tomatoes and peppers.

DINNER:  Ratatouille.  I made it in the afternoon, then we ate it at room temperature, rather than hot.  It is a melange of eggplant, zucchini, summer squash, onions, garlic, tomatoes, parsley and basil. 

1 comment:

  1. Ratatouille goes great with goat cheese and / or am omelet.
